


研究型论文中,引言(Introduction)是写在文章开头的部分,包含该篇文章的研究背景、研究意义、创新点等信息,是读者最先接受到的部分。如果说摘要(Abstract)是文章的精华,那么引言就是文章的核心,直接揭示了本研究的研究意义(Significance)和研究动机(Motivation)。相对于摘要而言,引言的字数和格式上没有特别严格的限制,但其内容要在对应的选题上更加精准和明确(to be concise and to the point)。通常而言,引言被视为是全文最难写的部分,充分体现了作者的研究水平和idea的价值,因此,也是编辑、审稿人评判文章水平的重要依据。为了更好的帮助大家迅速掌握Introudction的写作技巧,接下来作者用自身的案例——以GRACE重力卫星监测华北平原地下水干旱问题,来逐一拆解分析SCI论文中Introduction的写作思路和技巧,让您也能轻松写出精彩漂亮的Introduction。



  • 本研究的背景、意义是什么?
  • 该问题国内外的研究成果有哪些?研究进展到那一步了?
  • 目前的研究在哪些方面还存在不足或空白之处?
  • 根据自己的研究所取得的成果,指出上述不足之处如何填补?
  • 本研究的主要研究目标和研究内容是什么?



作者这里用自己的研究型论文,题目为——Characteristics of Groundwater Drought and Its Correlation with Meteorological and Agricultural Drought over the North China Plain Based on GRACE,来逐一拆解Introduction的写作思路,以供大家参考。

  • 研究背景、领域介绍


    Groundwater, which exists in aquifers beneath the earth’ surface, is one of the most important freshwater resources in the world, providing as much as 50% of drinking water, 40% of industrial consumption, and 20% of agricultural irrigation (Zektser 2004, Wada 2016). However, when the groundwater system is short of the necessary recharge for a long time or the groundwater storage decreases sharply, groundwater droughts occur (Mishra et al. 2010, Thomas et al. 2017, Zhang et al. 2022). Compared with meteorological and agricultural drought, groundwater drought is a distinctive and novel type of drought, that is characterized by strong concealment, long duration, obvious hysteresis, and a wide range of effects (Hao et al. 2015, Sadeghfam et al. 2018, Han et al. 2019).



  • 研究意义


    Thus, groundwater drought is the main threat to water security, which could lead to a shortage of water supply, crop production reduction, and eco-environmental deterioration, particularly for regions that strongly depend on groundwater resources (Zhang et al. 2017, Zhu et al. 2022). Therefore, improving the monitoring and understanding of groundwater drought and its driving factors is significant for drought risk assessment, water resource planning and management, and sustainable ecological development (Belal et al. 2014, Ju et al. 2021, Shi et al. 2022, Zhang et al. 2022).



  • 国内外的研究进展


    Some previous studies have begun to adopt various methods to monitor and characterize groundwater drought by developing drought indices based on in-site observed or model-simulated groundwater (Peters et al. 2006, Li et al. 2015, Mustafa et al. 2017). Bloomfield et al (2013) developed the standardized groundwater index (SGI) and evaluated groundwater drought in the UK using 14 relatively long, up to 103 yrs., groundwater level hydrographs. Wossenyeleh et al (2021) combined a groundwater flow state model with a threshold method to assess groundwater drought in a wetland ecosystem and its effect on groundwater discharge.



  • 国内外研究的不足


    Nevertheless, the deficiency of groundwater observation stations, uneven spatial distribution, and discontinuous records has hindered our ability to directly monitor and evaluate groundwater drought (Zhu et al. 2022). Moreover, the simplification of complex hydrogeological conditions and physical parameters related to aquifers in groundwater simulations adds exceptional uncertainty to groundwater drought identification (Niu et al. 2007, Li et al. 2015).



  • 本研究的研究目的和内容


    Considering the above limitations, the primary objectives of this study are: 1) to evaluate the temporal and spatial evolutionary characteristics of groundwater drought based on the new groundwater drought index; 2) to investigate the correlation and response characteristics between groundwater drought and meteorological, and agricultural drought; and 3) to quantitatively compare the contributions of different driving factors, especially the contributions of human activities to groundwater drought on the NCP.


    考虑到上述研究内容的不足,这项研究的主要目的是:1) 基于一种新的地下水干旱指数评价地下水干旱的时空演变特征;2) 分析地下水干旱和气象干旱、农业干旱的相关性及其响应关系;3) 去定量的分析不同驱动因素,尤其是人类活动对地下水干旱的影响。


  • Introduction常见时态为过去式、现在时、现在完成时。过去式常用于介绍别人研究过程中所采用的方法,以及已经取得的发现。现在时多用于研究背景和研究意义的介绍。现在完成时,多用于介绍正在成为研究趋势的热点问题;
  • 根据大方向的研究背景和所研究的具体的问题,有针对性的提出研究目标和内容;
  • 在介绍他人工作时,要公正、客观;不可贬低别人的工作,夹杂主观情感;
  • 引用文章时,尽量引用近10年的文章;一些经典的,奠定你研究基础的,尽管是早期的,也可以适当引用;
  • 根据研究的创新点和重要性,有技巧的介绍目前的研究空白。
  • 引用的文章应该和你的研究问题密切相关。